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Immune Supportive Daydose Multivitamin


Dose packs / 30 daydoses
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    Price per daily dosage €2 (6 tablets/capsules)


    VITADAILY is a convenience package that contains multivitamins and oils for daily use. Packed in 30 individual bags, they are easy to carry on the go. VITADAILY is the ultimate daily base with 3 multivitamins, extra vitamin C & D with olive oil.


    Each daily dose consists of the following:

    VITAMAX is a specially developed strong multivitamin - a combination of a multi and a greens powder - that contains ALL the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and Q10. In addition, Vitamax contains a lot of vegetables, herbs, bioflavonoids and algae: Wheat Grass Juice, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Spirulina, Chlorella, Beetroot, Ginger, Artichoke, gingko biloba, echinecea, apple pectin and more. VITAMAX was developed based on Orthomolecular principles more than 20 years ago and has been optimized several times since for it to be the product we are very proud of. 


    Vitamin C of 500 mg bioflavonoids, acerola, quercetin, rutin, hesperidin and hips, which in addition to being strong antioxidants also:

    • Vitamin C helps contributes to the normal function of the immune system.
    • Vitamin C contributes to the normal formation of collagen and for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin, and teeth.
    • Vitamin C contributes to normal energy metabolism, normal nervous system function, normal psychological function, normal immune system function.
    • Vitamin C contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress, reduction of fatigue and burnout, regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E.
    • Vitamin C increases iron uptake.

    Vitamin D is an very important vitamin for your overall health. It contributes to the below processes:

    • Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and teeth
    • Vitamin D contributes to normal blood calcium levels and to the maintenance of normal muscle function.
    • Vitamin D contributes to normal absorption/utilization of calcium and phosphorus.
    • Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system.
    • Vitamin D has a role in the process of cell division. 

    Vitamin D is needed for normal growth and development of bone in children and contributes to the normal function of the immune system.


    • EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart (the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA).

    • DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function (the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA).

    • DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision (the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA).

    • DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure (the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 3000 mg of DHA and EPA, and the additional daily intake must not exceed 5 g of DHA and EPA combined).

    Dosage: Daily recommended dose is 1 bag - recommended from the age of 16 onwards and both for women and men.

    VITADAILY contains 30 daydoses.

    NB! This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The supplement may not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. The intake of this supplement should not exceed the recommended dose. This product is not intended for pregnant, nursing mothers and children under 18 years.

    Warning This product is not intended for pregnant or nursing mothers, children under 18, or individuals taking any prescription medication. Individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using any dietary supplement.

    Waarschuwing Dit product is niet bedoeld voor zwangere of zogende moeders, kinderen onder de 18 jaar of personen die voorgeschreven medicijnen gebruiken. Personen met een bekende medische aandoening dienen een arts te raadplegen alvorens een voedingssupplement te gebruiken.

    Serving Size: 1 packet (4 tablets / 2 capsules)
    Amount Per Serving
    % Daily Value
    Ingredienser: vitamin C (l-askorbinsyra, kalciumaskorbat), magnesium (magnesium aspartarte), fiskolja, EPA, DHA, kalcium (kalciumcitrat), pantotensyra (d-kalciumpantotenat), fyllmedel (mikrokristallin cellulosa, natriumkarboximetylcellulosa,
    magnesiumsalter av fettsyror), kapsel (gelatin (nötkreatur), glycerin, vatten), ytbehandlingsmedel (hydroxipropylmetylcellulosa), vitamin E (d-alfa toco succinat), olivolja, l-cystein, vitamin B3 (niacinamid), tiamin (vitamin B1), inositol, kalium
    Vitamin C
    1025 mg
    1281 %*
    187.5 mg
    50 %*
    Fish oil
    500 mg
    of which varav:
    165 mg
    125 mg
    187.5 mg
    23.5 %
    Pantothenic Acid
    187.5 mg
    3125 %*
    Vitamin E
    105.5 mg
    879 %
    Olive oil
    99 mg
    75 mg
    60 mg
    375 %
    Rose hips powder
    53.5 mg
    Thiamine HCI
    Tiamin HCI (Vitamin B1)
    37,5 mg
    3409 %
    37.5 mg
    37,5 mg
    1.875 %
    Citrus bioflavonoids
    37.5 mg
    Lemon bioflavonoids
    37.5 mg
    Betaine hydrochloride
    37.5 mg
    Garlic bulb powder (odorless)
    Vitlökspulver (doftfri)
    37.5 mg
    Broccoli powder (stem, flower, & bud)
    Broccolipulver (stjälk, blomma och knopp)
    37.5 mg
    Cauliflower powder (dried florets)
    Blomkålspulver (torkade buketter)
    37.5 mg
    Spirulina powder
    37.5 mg
    Chlorella powder
    37.5 mg
    25 mg
    Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
    18,75 mg
    1339 %
    18.75 mg
    Para-Aminobenzoic acid
    18.75 mg
    18,75 mg
    Ginger (root powder)
    Ingefära (rot pulver)
    18.75 mg
    Green papaya fruit powder
    Grön papayafruktspulve
    18.75 mg
    Beet root powder
    18.75 mg
    Barley grass juice powder
    18.75 mg
    Wheat grass juice powder (leaves)
    18.75 mg
    Bromelain (60 GDU/g)
    18.75 mg
    Apple pectin fruit powder
    18.75 mg
    Artichoke (leaf powder)
    Kronärtskocka (bladpulver)
    18.75 mg
    Horsetail (herb powder)
    Ackerot (ört pulver)
    16.875 mg
    Vitamin B6
    15.75 mg
    1125 %
    Ginkgo biloba (24% extract)
    Ginkgo biloba (24% extrakt)
    15 mg
    Coenzyme Q10
    Koenzym Q10
    11.25 mg
    11.25 mg
    112.5 %
    Eleutherococcus Senticosus
    9.375 mg
    Rutin complex
    9.375 mg
    Pine bark 95% Extract
    Tallbark 95% extrakt
    9.375 mg
    Red wine 30% Extract (seed & skin)
    Rött vin 30% extrakt (frö och skal)
    9.375 mg
    7.5 mg
    L-glutamic Acid
    7.5 mg
    5.625 mg
    281 %
    Hesperidrin complex
    3.75 mg
    0.75 mg
    Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
    Vitamin A (beta-karoten)
    2250 µg
    281 %
    RNA complex
    1875 mcg
    DNA complex
    450 mcg
    450 mcg
    Carotenoids (from algae)
    Karotenoider (från alger)
    375 mcg
    Folic acid
    300 µg
    150 %
    112.5 µg
    225 %*
    75 µg
    136 %
    75 µg
    187.5 %
    Iodine (from kelp)
    Jod (från kelp)
    75 µg
    50 %
    Vitamin D3
    43.75 µg
    875 %
    Vitamin B12
    37.5 µg
    1500 %
    37.5 µg
    75 %
    Trace Mineral Complex
    37.5 mcg
    Vitamin K
    26.5 µg
    35 %
    18.75 mcg
    *NRV = Nutrient Reference Value
    * *NRV = Näringsreferensvärde
    ** No NRV established
    ** Inget NRV fastställt
    (kaliumcitrat), citrusbioflavonoider, citronbioflavonoider, betainhydroklorid, vitlökspulver, broccolipulver, blomkålspulver, spirulinapulver, chlorellapulver, nyponpulver, bioflavonoider, riboflavin (vitamin B2) ), kolin. para-aminobensyra, echinacea,
    ingefära pulver, grön papaya frukt pulver, rödbetor pulver, korn gräs juice pulver, vetegräs juice pulver, bromelain, äpple pektin frukt pulver, kronärtskocka, åkerfräken, nypon pulver, vitamin B6 (pyridoxin hcl) , ginkgo biloba-extrakt, koenzym Q10, zink
    (zinkpicolinat), eleutherococcus senticosus, rutinkomplex, tallbark 95 % extrakt, rödvin 30 % extrakt, l-metionin, l-glutaminsyra, mangan, hesperidrinkomplex, bor (borcitrat) ), vitamin A (beta-karotem), RNA-komplex, DNA-komplex, klorofyll
    (chlorellaextrakt), karotenoider, folsyra, biotin, selen, krom (krompolynikotinat), jod (från kelp), vitamin D3 (d-alfa-tokoferol , kolekalciferol), molybden (molybdenaminosyrakelat), vitamin B12 (metylkobalamin 1%), spårmineralkomplex, vitamin K1,
    vanadin (vanadinaminokelat)
    Suggested use: As a dietary supplement take one (1) packet (4 tablets /2 capsulesl) with meal. Do not exceed the recommended dosage instructions. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.
    Rekommenderad: Neem als voedingssupplement 1 pakje (4 tabletten / 2 capsules) bij elke maaltijd. Overschrijd niet de aanbevolen doserings instructies. Voedingssupplementen mogen niet worden gebruikt ter vervanging van een gevarieerd dieet.
    Warning: Keep out of reach of small children. This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process soy, fish and crustacean shellfish.
    Varning: Buiten bereik van kleine kinderen houden. Dit product is vervaardigd en verpakt in een faciliteit die ook soja, vis en schaaldieren kan verwerken.

    Other people have said...


    I always forget to take my vitamins, but with Vitadaily it is so easy and straightforward that they almost take themselves. Feeling that all my needs are being met without me even having to think about it.

    Caroline, Customer 2020


    Just wanted to give you all the most massive compliment.

    Really great product! Excited to be an official customer now :)

    Jenn, Customer 2021



    The VITADAILY is everything I need in convenient daily dose packages, also easy for travelling.

    Lisa, Customer 2020