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Vitamins for grey hair

Turn Grey Away

Hair / 60 capsules


*Note that payment for the order is made at the time of ordering to reserve the product. If you order other items, these will be shipped first along with your pre-order when it is in stock. If you wish to have other products shipped now, you will need to create 2 separate orders.


TURN GRAY AWAY is unique combination of Catalase along with traditional herbs, vitamins and minerals thought to be beneficial in promoting natural hair color and hair health. As an added benefit, Turn Gray Away contains a high level of Saw Palmetto Extract.


Catalase, an enzyme produced naturally by the body. Catalase plays an important role in breaking down hydrogen peroxide, which is produced by the body and naturally occurs in the hair. With age, levels of Catalase produced by the body drop and the resulting chemical reaction creates elevated levels of hydrogen peroxide, which bleaches the hair from the inside out.


This product is relevant for you if you wish to pro-long your natural hair color. 

PLease note that this product is not formulated to convert grey hair - it is not possible to do so, if the hair has lost it's pigmentation.

TURN GRAY AWAY is an effective new formula, which is centered around Catalase, an enzyme produced naturally by the body. Catalase plays an important role in breaking down hydrogen peroxide, which is produced by the body and naturally occurs in the hair. With age, levels of Catalase produced by the body drop and the resulting chemical reaction creates elevated levels of hydrogen peroxide, which bleaches the hair from the inside out.

TURN GRAY AWAY is the first product of its type to offer Catalase along with traditional herbs, vitamins and minerals. It contain among other vitamins biotin, which contributes to the maintenance of normal hair.

Please keep in mind that any hair formulation taken orally may take several weeks or months to produce results due to the growth cycles of the hair. Feedback on Turn Gray Away has been very positive to date and we hope you will find it to be a very positive solution to feeling and looking younger. The product mainly works in preventing getting grey hair and therefore best results will be obtained the sooner in the process you begin using the product.

Daily dose is 2 capsules - 30 days of use

N.B. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The supplement must not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended dose. This product is not intended for pregnant or nursing mothers & children under 18.

Serving Size: 2 capsules
Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value
Pantothenic Acid
300 mg
Saw Palmetto berries (45% extract)
Saw Palmetto bär (45 % extrakt)
300 mg
200 mg
200 mg
Horsetail aerial pants (7% extract)
Åkerfräken arial (7 % extrakt)
114,3 mg
Plant Sterol Complex (38-45% beta-sitosterol)
100 mg
Stinging Nettle Root (4:1 Extract)
Brännnässlor (4:1 extrakt)
100 mg
Catalase Complex
50 mg
Chlorella Extract
20 mg
Fo-Ti Root Powder
Fo-Ti rotpulver
20 mg
Barley Grass Juice Powder
Korngräs (Juice pulver)
20 mg
10 mg
Vitamin B-6
10 mg
1 mg
Folic Acid
670 µg
300 µg
* NRV= Daily Nutrient Reference Value
* NRV = Dagligt referensvärde för näringsämnen
** No NRV Established
** Inget NRV fastställt
Ingredients: pantothenic acid (as calcium d-pantothenate), saw palmetto berries (45% extract), PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), l-tyrosine, horsetail aerial parts (7% extract), plant sterol complex (38-45% Beta-sitosterol), stinging nettle root 4:1 extract,
catalase complex, chlorella extract (2% chlorophyll), fo-ti root powder, barley grass juice powder, zinc (as zinc oxide), vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCl), copper (as cupric oxide), folate, biotin, gelatin (bovine), vegetable magnesium stearate, silicon di
ngredienser: Pantotensyra (som kalcium D-pantothenat), sågpalmetto-bär (45% extrakt), PABA (para-aminobensoesyra), L-tyrosin, hästhovs aerial delar (7% extrakt), växtsterolkomplex (38-45% Beta-sitosterol), brännässlerot (4:1 extrakt), katalas-komplex,
chlorellaextrakt (2% klorofyll), fo-ti rottpulver, bygggräsjuicepulver, zink (som zinkoxid), vitamin B-6 (som pyridoxin HCl), koppar (som kopparoxid), folat, biotin, gelatin (boskap), vegetabiliskt magnesiumstearat, kiseldioxid.
Suggested use: As a dietary supplement take two (2) capsules with meal. Do not exceed the recommended dosage instructions. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.
Rekommenderad: Neem als voedingssupplement s capsules bij elke maaltijd. Overschrijd niet de aanbevolen doserings instructies. Voedingssupplementen mogen niet worden gebruikt ter vervanging van een gevarieerd dieet.
Warning: CONTAINS SOY (PLANT STEROLS) AND WHEAT (BARLEY GRASS). Keep out of reach of small children. This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process soy, fish and crustacean shellfish.
Varning: BEVAT SOJA (PLANTENSTEROLEN) EN TARWE (GERSTGRAS). Buiten bereik van kleine kinderen houden. Dit product is vervaardigd en verpakt in een faciliteit die ook soja, vis en schaaldieren kan verwerken.

Other people have said...


It’s not a quick fix but it is close to magic tricks. I have tried to stay healthy and stop the processes of looking older. I really feel this product stopped my hair from rapidly turning grey or at least slowed down the proces, so I can keep my own natural brown hair colour for longer.

Line, Customer 2020
