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Hair supplement


Hair supplement / 60 tablets
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    Price per daily dosage €1.4


    We have updated our Great Hair Complex formula. It still contains all the amazing ingredients it did before, but we have optimized it, so it's even better now! And another bonus - vegan formula !


    Great Hair Complex is a specially composed formula containing selected vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs. The majority of which play a role in maintaining healthy hair, including Biotin, which is known to contribute to normal hair growth. Great Hair also contains other important nutrients such as vitamins A, B's and C, as well as saw palmetto, folic acid, panthothenic acid, niacinamide and silica.


    Biotin is often called the "beauty nutrient" because of the nutrition it provides for skin and hair. This member of the B vitamin complex contributes to maintaining healthy skin and hair.


    If you want a natural supplement to support normal hair growth, Great Hair Complex is the perfect choice - for both men and women.

    This product is VEGAN and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


    Great Hair complex contains a wide combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs that play a role for normal hair growth and healthy hair.

    Saw palmetto is a type of palm native to the southeastern United States.

    Grape Seed Extract is a dietary supplement made by removing, drying and pulverizing the bitter-tasting seeds of grapes. Grapes are rich in antioxidants, including phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPC).

    Ginkgo biloba is a tree native to China and cultivated for thousands of years for various uses. 


    Daily dosage: 2 vegan tablets daily with a big glass of water and with one meal

    This product contains 60 tablets (30 days of use)

    N.B. It is important to examine the ingredients and be aware of any allergies or hypersensitivity before consuming the product. An overview of the ingredients can be found in the Supplement Facts tab.

    This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The supplement may not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. The intake of this supplement should not exceed the recommended dose. This product is not intended for pregnant, nursing mothers and children under 18 years.

    Warning This product is not intended for pregnant or nursing mothers, children under 18, or individuals taking any prescription medication. Individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using any dietary supplement.

    Waarschuwing Dit product is niet bedoeld voor zwangere of zogende moeders, kinderen onder de 18 jaar of personen die voorgeschreven medicijnen gebruiken. Personen met een bekende medische aandoening dienen een arts te raadplegen alvorens een voedingssupplement te gebruiken.

    Serving Size: 2 tablets
    Amount Per Serving
    % Daily Value
    Vitamin C
    250 mg
    312 %*
    Pantothenic Acid
    250 mg
    4167 %*
    250 mg
    Pygeum Africanum (4:1 extract)
    Pygeum Africanum (4:1 extrakt)
    250 mg
    Saw Palmetto (45% extract)
    Sågpalmetto (45% extrakt)
    250 mg
    200 mg
    25 %*
    Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
    100 mg
    7,1 %*
    Vitamin B6
    100 mg
    7143 %*
    100 mg
    PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid)
    PABA (para-aminobenzoesyra)
    100 mcg
    100 mcg
    40 mg
    Grape Seed (95% extract)
    Vindruvkärna (95% extrakt)
    50 mg
    Green Tea (98% extract)
    Grönt te (98% extrakt)
    50 mg
    MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)
    MSM (metylsulfonylmetan)
    50 mg
    Ginkgo Biloba (24% extract)
    Ginkgo biloba (24% extrakt)
    30 mg
    Thiamine HCI
    Tiamin HCI (Vitamin B1)
    30 mg
    2,7 %*
    30 mg
    188 %*
    Vitamin E
    8 mg
    45 %*
    5 mg
    50 %*
    1 mg
    100 %*
    4000 µg
    8000 %*
    Vitamin A
    3000 µg
    375 %
    670 µg
    335 %*
    *NRV = Nutrient Reference Value
    * *NRV = Näringsreferensvärde
    ** No NRV established
    ** Inget NRV fastställt
    Ingredients: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Pantothenic Acid (calcium pantothenate), Inositol, Vegetable stearic acid, Pygeum africanum Bark (4:1 extract), Saw Palmetto Fruit (45% extract), Calcium (calcium carbonate), Riboflavin, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCI),
    Choline (choline bitartrate), Vegetable magnesium stearate, Microcrystalline cellulose, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), L-Cysteine, Silica (bamboo 70% extract), Croscarmellose sodium, Grape Seed (95% extract), Green Tea (98%), MSM (methylsulfonylmethane),
    Gingko Biloba (24% extract), Thiamin (thiamine mononitrate), Niacin (niacinamide), Vitamin E (d-Alpha tocopheryl succinate), Zinc (zinc amino acid chelate), Copper (copper gluconate), Biotin, Vitamin A (beta-carotene), Folate (DFE),
    Arqueous film coating (purified water, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, vegetable glycerin, chlorophyll, calcium carbonate), Silicon dioxide
    Ingredienser: Vitamin C (askorbinsyra), Pantotensyra (kalciumpantotenat), Inositol, Vegetabilisk stearinsyra, Pygeum africanum Bark (4:1-extrakt), Sågpalmettofrukt (45%-extrakt), Kalcium (kalciumkarbonat), Riboflavin, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxinhydroklorid),
    Kolin (kolinbitartrat), Vegetabiliskt magnesiumstearat, Mikrokristallin cellulosa, PABA (para-aminobensoesyra), L-Cystein, Kisel (bambu 70%-extrakt), Kroskarmellosnatrium, Druvkärneextrakt (95%-extrakt), Grönt te (98%), MSM (metylsulfonylmetan),
    Ginkgo biloba (24%-extrakt), Tiamin (tiaminmononitrat), Niacin (niacinamid), Vitamin E (d-alfa-tokoferylsukcinat), Zink (zinkaminosyrekelat), Koppar (kopparglukonat), Biotin, Vitamin A (betakaroten), Folat (DFE),
    Akvatisk filmbeläggning (renat vatten, hydroxypropylmetylcellulosa, vegetabiliskt glycerin, klorofyll, kalciumkarbonat), Kiseldioxid
    Suggested use: As a dietary supplement take two (2) tablets with meal. Do not exceed the recommended dosage instructions. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.
    Rekommenderad: Neem als voedingssupplement 2 tabletten bij elke maaltijd. Overschrijd niet de aanbevolen doserings instructies. Voedingssupplementen mogen niet worden gebruikt ter vervanging van een gevarieerd dieet.
    Warning: Keep out of reach of small children. This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process soy, fish and crustacean shellfish.
    Varning: Buiten bereik van kleine kinderen houden. Dit product is vervaardigd en verpakt in een faciliteit die ook soja, vis en schaaldieren kan verwerken.

    Other people have said...


    I was thinking about buying hair vitamins for a couple of months but didn’t know which ones actually worked. I found an article where the great hair complex vitamins were recommend. So of course I had to try them.

    I can’t believe how well they actually worked!! I My hair has never looked so healthy. Basically don’t wait, because it’s worth the money.

    Marianne, Customer 2020


    "Since my early 20's I have experienced severe hair loss. I have been through surgeries, special shampoos and extracts I continued to lose my hair despite my great efforts.

    I started taking Great Hair Complex daily 5 years ago and it has changed my hair totally. It grows faster and is much more powerful, my hair loss is at a minimum now and it has a healthy structure and shine. "

    Kristian, Customer 2021






    I would really like to recommend Great Hair Complex! I have tried many different supplements over the years that aim to support healthier hair.

    Since I tried VitaViva's product, I have not (and will not) use other hair supplements. I experience a fast and noticeable effect! Definitely one of my must-have products.

    Christina, Customer 2020