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Marc Hester
Marc Hester

Tell us a little about yourself

I am 33 years old and have been a professional racing cyclist for 14 years. Married to Kikke Hester, whom I have my 9-year-old daughter Filippa with.

What is your everyday routine?

I always start my day off with checking the daily weather forecast in relation to planning my training. Often with a cup of coffee. Furthermore, the most of my day is about completing my daily training pass and get it all to fit in with dropping off and picking up my daughter along with possible tasks such as cooking etc.

What is your approach to a healthy lifestyle? 

To be a professional racing cyclist is a lifestyle. Therefore, it is obvious that diet and vitamins plays an important role in my everyday life. Therefore, I have also tried many different supplements and VITAVIVA is the first one in my long carrier that has been spot-on, especially through a good dialog with the company.

Why did you start taking VITAVIVA? How do they affect your everyday life?

As a 6-day racing cyclist with high season in the winter months, it is important to get the right supplements. I got the products recommended through an acquaintance, and I have experienced a big improvement in both my energy levels and my daily recovery in between training/running sessions.

Is VITAVIVA different than other supplements you have taken? If so, why?

Yes, it is, especially because the selection is so specific and broad, and via a good dialog you can come up with something that works.

Which are your favorite VITAVIVA products and why?

Turmeric and  I also ove the Organic Beetroot for extra energy when I race.

  1. VITASPORT Dose packs / 30 daydoses

    Price per daily dosage €2 (6 tablets/capsules)


    We have developed this product for athletes who want to support their body the best way possible. Whether you do Crossfit, long-distance running, or weight lifting in the gym, you stress and strain the body. It is therefore important that you give your body the best possible conditions through your diet and lifestyle choices. The true purpose of VITASPORT is to support your body.

    Each daily dose consists of:

    Each daily dose contains 6 pcs. of supplements. 


    VITASPORT is the optimal composition of supplements for athletes at all levels. The product contains daily doses packed in small sheets - easy to bring on the go and keep in your gym bag to take after a great work out.

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