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Supplement multivitamin for Teens


Vitamins for teens / 90 gummies
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    VITATEEN is a multivitamin gummy specifically developed for teenagers.

    VITATEEN MULTIVITAMIN is a tasty natural vitamin and mineral gum, which contains the most essential vitamins and minerals for teenagers aged 13-18 years. With coconut oil, natural flavors and natural colors from bla. grape and elderflower juice.

    The formula combines a multivitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, iodine and zinc.


    This multivitamin for Teenagers contains:

    • Vitamin A - supports a normal vision, normal skin and immune funtion
    • Vitamin C - contributes to the normal function of the immune system
    • Vitamin D - supports normal immune function, normal bone & teeth health and more
    • Vitamin E - contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress
    • Vitamin B5, B6, B8, B9 and B12
    • Iodine - contributes to the normal growth of children
    • Zinc - contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, vision and immune function


    Contains NO artificial additives, NO artificial sweeteners, NO gelatine, NO GMO, NO yeast and NO MSG.

    VITATEEN is a new multivitamin gummy specifically developed for teenagers.

    The formula combines a multivitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, iodine and zinc.

    Delicious taste and easy to chew, so if your teenager has problems swallowing tablets, this is a good alternative.


    Vitamin A: Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of normal mucous membranes, normal skin, normal vision, normal function of the immune system. Vitamin A has a role in the process of cell specialization.

    Vitamin C: Vitamin C contributes to maintain the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise. Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin, and teeth. Vitamin C contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system, normal psychological function, normal function of the immune system.

    Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid): contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, normal mental performance, normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and some neurotransmitters, reduction of tiredness and fatique

    B6-vitamin: contributes to normal energy yielding metabolism, normal cysteine synthesis, normal functioning of the nervous system, normal homocysteine metabolism, normal protein and glycogen metabolism, normal psychological function, normal red blood cell formation, normal function of the immune system, reduction of tiredness and fatique, regulation of hormonal activity.

    B8 (biotin): contributes to maintenance of hair and skin, normal energy-yielding metabolism, functioning of the nervous system, normal macronutrient metabolism, normal psycological function, normal mucous membranes and blood clotting.

    B9 (folic acid): contributes to maternal tissue growth during pregnancy, normal amino acid synthesis, normal blood formation, normal homecysteine metabolism, normal psychological function, normal function of the immune system. It contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatque. It has a role in cell division.

    B12: contributes to normal energy yielding metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system, normal homocysteine metabolism, normal psychological function, normal red blood cell formation, normal function of the immune system, reduction of tiredness and fatique. Vitamin B12 has a role in the process of cell division.



    Iodine: Contributes to normal cognitive function, contributes to a normal functioning nervous system, contributes to the maintenance of normal skin and hair, contributes to normal functioning of metabolism.

    Zinc: contributes to normal DNA synthesis, contributes to normal acid / base metabolism, contributes to normal cognitive function, contributes to normal maintenance of bones, contributes to normal maintenance of skin, hair and some, contributes to normal vision, contributes to normal immune system, contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.


    Taste? The delicious bear-shaped gummies contains natural flavors of cherry, strawberry, lemon, orange, and grapes. We haven't met anyone who didn't like them:) 

    Daily dosage? The daily recommended dose for Teenagers is 2 pcs. The recommended dose should not be exceeded and should not replace the varied diet.



    The content of sugar in our VITATEEN products is at an absolute minimum of what is possible when making natural gummies as vitamins. The alternative would be to use artificial sweeteners that we certainly do not want. Part of the sugar - about 1 gram comes from the natural fruits that are included and the remaining about 2 grams comes from glucose syrup, which is also of natural origin, ie without synthetic addition.

    If you compare with other gummies on the market, then several actually contain 4-8 grams per recommended daily dose (2-4 tablets).

    Compared to the sugar content of fruit: 

    Strawberry: 7,4 grams of sugar per 100 grams

    Apple: 7,9 grams of sugar per 100 grams

    Cherry: 11,7 grams of sugar per 100 grams

    Banana: 13,5 grams of sugar per 100 grams

    Serving Size: 2 gummies
    Amount Per Serving
    % Daily Value
    Calories 20
    Kalorier 20
    Total carbohydrates
    Totalt kolhydrater
    4 g
    4 g
    Vitamin C
    60 mg
    Vitamin E
    18 mg
    15 mg
    Pantothenic Acid
    10 mg
    5 mg
    Vitamin B6
    2 mg
    Vitamin A
    1200 µg
    Folic acid
    400 µg
    150 µg
    80 µg
    Vitamin D
    10 µg
    Vitamin B12
    8 µg
    *NRV = Nutrient Reference Value
    * NRV = Näringsreferensvärde
    ** No NRV established
    ** Ingen NRV fastställd
    Ingredients: Glucose syrup, sugar, glucose, pectin, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (dl-Alpha tocopheryl acetate), sodium, panthothenic acid (calcium d-pantothenate), zinc (zinc citrate), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCI), vitamin A (retinyl acetate),
    folic acid, biotin, iodine (potassium iodide), vitamin D (cholecalciferol), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), citric acid, sodium citrate, natural flavors, vegetable oil (contains carnauba wax), purple carrot juice concentrate and beta-carotene (for color),
    Ingredienser: Glukossirap, socker, glukos, pektin, vitamin C (askorbinsyra), vitamin E (dl-Alfa-tokoferylacetat), natrium, pantotensyra (kalcium-d-pantotenat), zink (zinkcitrat), vitamin B6 (pyridoxinhydroklorid), vitamin A (retinylacetat), folsyra,
    biotin, jod (kaliumjodid), vitamin D (kolekalciferol), vitamin B12 (cyanokobalamin), citronsyra, natriumcitrat, naturliga aromer, vegetabilisk olja (innehåller carnaubavax), koncentrat av purpurmorotsjuice och betakaroten (för färg).
    Suggested use: As a dietary supplement take two (2) gummies with meal. Do not exceed the recommended dosage instructions. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.
    Rekommenderad: Neem als voedingssupplement 2 gummen bij elke maaltijd. Overschrijd niet de aanbevolen doserings instructies. Voedingssupplementen mogen niet worden gebruikt ter vervanging van een gevarieerd dieet.
    Warning: Keep out of reach of small children. This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process soy, fish and crustacean shellfish.
    Varning: Buiten bereik van kleine kinderen houden. Dit product is vervaardigd en verpakt in een faciliteit die ook soja, vis en schaaldieren kan verwerken.