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A great alternative is GREEN DETOX.
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Pure Cleanse is a potent formula based on supporting the normal functioning of your body's natural cleansing cleansing of toxins and waste.
In the formula you will find Chlorella (a type of marine plants), Spirulina, Bioperine, Curcuma Longa, Glutathione and Milk Thistle.
Ingredients that are intended to support the body's natural cleansing:
• Chlorella helps eliminate heavy metals from the body*
• Chlorella promotes body detoxification*
• Chlorella promotes metabolism and helps the digestive system*
* EFSA-Q-2008-3148
• Spirulina promotes intestine activity*
Turmeric (Curcuma Longa L.):
• Turmeric prevents the accumulation of fats and facilitates their destockage by the liver *
This product is relevant for you if you want to contribute to the body's normal cleansing process.
This product is VEGAN.
Recommended daily dosage: 1 capsule
This product contains 60 capsules (for 60 days of use)
N.B. It is important to thoroughly read the list of ingredients before starting to take this supplement in order to rule out any allergic reactions or sensitivities towards one or more of the ingredients in this product. A complete list of all ingredients can be found under 'supplement facts'.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The supplement must not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended dose. This product is not intended for pregnant or nursing mothers & children under 18.
Warning This product is not intended for pregnant or nursing mothers, children under 18, or individuals taking any prescription medication. Individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using any dietary supplement.
Waarschuwing Dit product is niet bedoeld voor zwangere of zogende moeders, kinderen onder de 18 jaar of personen die voorgeschreven medicijnen gebruiken. Personen met een bekende medische aandoening dienen een arts te raadplegen alvorens een voedingssupplement te gebruiken.